The Early Primary Years Programme (EPYP)
School provides a wide range of opportunities for the young children of early primary years to develop physically, socio-emotionally, and intellectually. We build a strong foundation from which children can grow to become active life-long learners.
The children:
- develop confidence in themselves and their ability to learn
- demonstrate curiosity and the ability to focus their attention
- acquire a level of communicative competence that is personally satisfying
- acquire social skills and abilities which enable them to relate to other children and to adults
- remain true to their individual natures, being free to develop to their own potential.
A full day encompasses assembly presentation, morning rituals, Circle Time, Show and Tell, Public speaking programme, Discovery hour, Art, Craft, Clay, School-Cinema, Music, Dance, theatre, story-telling, Indoor & outdoor games, PEC, games & sports, swimming, karate, skating, puppetry, Katha, Film-time, Language Development, phonetics, communication skills, writing skills, Reading programme, thinking skills, conceptual worksheets, skill-sheets, Monday worksheets, Number work, Environmental study through real-life experiences, value-education, general awareness, Aptitude building, skill-building activities, Quiz activities, Computer-based activities, audio-visual study modules, cultural events, celebrations, camps, excursions, free play and projects related to an understanding of their world. The skill and proficiency assessment is continuous & comprehensive on the basis of day-to-day activities, worksheets, discussions, and observation.
First graders are generally between six and seven years old and have just stepped into full-fledged schooling life. At this age, kids are usually curious about everything and eager to learn. It is in 1st grade that 6 – 7 year olds build their foundation in various subjects and learn new concepts. It is therefore important to ensure that the curriculum covers a wide array of topics that are developmentally appropriate for them as well as a good reservoir of fun and interesting ideas.1st grade is a time of hands-on learning. The curriculum for 1st graders has been designed keeping in mind the developmental characteristics of 6 to 7 year olds.
Grade I curricula must cover the basics of math, reading, science, social studies, and arts in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. Grade I lessons provide the foundation for the learning that happens in later years.
The reading curriculum for 1st grade includes phonetics which includes consonant clusters, vowel clusters, and blends, developing comprehension skills, learning to write and form simple sentences with punctuations, and more. The mathematics curriculum covers various basic mathematical operations and concepts that they will need to know in order to learn more advanced concepts later
Grade I activities focus on hands-on learning, listing out activities that parents and teachers can do along with the kids. They sharpen the first graders’ skills in various subjects. Activities such as Grade I art and craft activities sharpen their fine motor skills. Grade I math activities establish their foundation in basic math skills such as simple addition and subtraction. Similarly, reading activities for first graders improve their vocabulary and reading abilities.
Activities for first graders are perfect for parents and teachers looking to make learning interactive and fun!
For students in second grade, instruction focuses on developing literacy and proficiency in language with the goal that all students become lifelong readers, competent writers, and effective communicators. Literacy is critical to academic success and is the key to becoming an independent learner in all other disciplines. Students need to be competent in reading and the English language by the end of grade second. By the end of second grade, students should be able to read with accuracy and fluency to support their comprehension of literature and informational accuracy. Their oral reading skills should be developed to the point that they can read to support their grade-level text orally with expression.
In first grade, students learned skills that enable them to read and write with a degree of independence. They should be able to read common sight words and produce the sounds for consonants, consonant blends, and long and short vowels. Students who mastered the first-grade standards have the ability to decode increasingly complex words. They can read first-grade texts accurately and with purpose and understanding. In grade II, students will expand their reading-comprehension strategies for both narrative and informational text. They would be able to retell the main idea of a narrative or expository text and respond to clarifying questions in the text. In first grade, students learned new academic and content-specific vocabulary by using context clues, identifying familiar root words in words with affixes, reading and being read aloud to, and in-depth conversations about Grade I texts and topics. In grade II, they will learn to write simple compositions in which they applied their knowledge of language conventions, including correctly using singular and plural nouns, capitalizing the first word of a sentence, and using the appropriate ending punctuation to complete sentences.
The Curricular aims:
• Experiential/Conceptual/Application based & burden less learning
• Strengthening of phonetics and reading skills.
• A lot of discussions, hands-on activities, and concept building.
• Extending the learning beyond classrooms through excursions and visits.
• Application of knowledge and understanding rather than rote learning.
• Improvement in handwriting and work presentation.
• Developing creative and ‘thinking’ minds.
• Strengthening of English speaking skills.
• Strengthening of drawing and coloring skills.
• Strengthening of public speaking skills and participation in assemblies and other activities.
• Above all making learning an enjoyable experience for children.