The Middle School Years Programme (MYP)
The methodology followed during these formative years will be an extension of the one utilized in the primary classes. Again, the acquisition of knowledge is achieved through questioning, dialogue, experimentation and exposure to various media. The subject areas are English, Hindi, Mathematics, Social Science(History, civics & Geography), Integrated Science and computer-science & the skill-building areas/curricular programs are General Awareness, Current Affairs, Aptitude for logical reasoning and numerical ability, Reading for enrichment, Vocabulary-building, Communication skills, Creative writing, Discovery hour, Newspaper-in-education, School-cinema, Trips & Excursions, Skill-sheets, Conceptual worksheets, Promise workshops, Music, Dance, Drama, Theatre, Katha, Activity Clubs, Art, Technology, Physical Education and Personal, Social & Emotional Development, Health Education. Community Service (JMIS-Seva), Excursions, workshops, guest-speak, video-conferencing and international exchange programs under the global dimension program. The focus in middle school classes is on consolidating the learning experiences.
Ample opportunities are provided to the children to interact with each other within the student community, on the same platform, through encouraging participation in various Intra and inter-school activities.
A third language (French/Sanskrit) is introduced to the students at this stage. Academic teaching incorporates activity and experimental-based programmes whether in Science, Mathematics, Languages, or social sciences.
The parameters of holistic education & all-rounder personality are consolidated :
- experiential learning through innovative teaching methods
- learning beyond textbooks and classrooms
- connecting education with real-life
- communication skills in the English language
- inculcating strong reading habits
- developing creativity and thinking skills
- developing creative writing base
- talent search and enhancement
- overall personality development
- conceptual clarity and ability to think, analyze and reflect
- ability to build self-opinion and share ideas
- sound value system, sensitivity and caring attitude
- Development of life-skills – leadership, team-spirit, positive attitude and social & Emotional Intelligence.
Evaluation during these years is more comprehensive and detailed, based on a grading system on the lines of CBSE’s CCE (Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation) aimed at steering the students towards the mainstream. The assessment of student work is continuous, comprehensive and broad in its scope, based on day-to-day activities, discussions, observations, assignments, projects, conceptual worksheets, Monday worksheets, formative learning, behavior, value system, attitude and two rounds of cumulative tests i.e. cycle test-1, Half-yearly exams, cycle test-2 and Annual exams, in consonance with the new CBSE guidelines & examination – bye-laws. Students are encouraged to reflect on their work and assessment and make efforts for continuous improvement.