School Cinema
(An innovative value education programme)
An innovative concept developed by Edu Media, School Cinema is a film-based learning module combined with a fun and exciting workbook to reaffirm values, morals and equip children with skills to deal with everyday challenges. It is a learning module on life-skills, values and attitudes, developed through research and taught using short films.
A fine blend of entertainment and education, it uses a language that children are familiar with. It also acts as a training aid for teachers to enhance their self and professional development, in addition to bringing parents into the circle of learning through specially created films on parenting.
School Cinema aims to influence young minds into making better choices for themselves as young adults, as well as to improve the role parents and teachers play in the holistic development of children.
SCHOOL CINEMA FOR GRADE I revolves around the series called ‘SHAPES’. This series presents each story in a unique universe, composed of ‘shapes’. The stories are simple, humorous and each with an underlying moral.
THE BOASTFUL TORTOISE ‘Friends do not like a show off, don’t be boastful’ Film Synopsis
A Tortoise loves to show off to his friends; Ladybug and Butterfly. As this behaviour hurts them, they stop talking to him.
One day, two Egrets come to the lake and the Tortoise befriends them.Soon the lake begins to dry up and the Egrets decide to fly away. The Tortoise cannot fly and does not want to be left behind. To help the Tortoise fly, the Egrets hold a stick in their claws and the Tortoise holds on to it with his mouth. The Tortoise’s old friends see him and comment on his flying expertise. As he opens his mouth to respond, he falls to the ground. Despite the way he had behaved with his old friends, they are still there for him. He realizes he should not show off so much andthateveryone is good at different things.
Learning from the movie:
Life Skills: Self - Awareness, Empathy, Critical Thinking, Interpersonal Skills
Values: Respect, Friendship
Attitude: Appreciation, Humility, Sensitivity
THE GRUMPY TREE ‘Be kind to all your friends’
Film Synopsis
Deep in the forest, is a big Banyan Tree – a very grumpy one! He does not like company and prefers to be alone.
He does not like his tree friends; the singing Parakeet, the snoring and sleepy Tigress and the itchy Elephant, all of whom always seem to trouble him! The tree is rude to them and drives them away. One day, there is a dangerous forest fire and the Tree finds himself alone and helpless. Luckily, when he calls for help, his friends return and work together to put out the fire and save the Tree! From then on,the Tree stops being Grumpy and treasures his friends and their friendship!
Learning from the movie:
Life Skills: Empathy, Decision Making, Coping with Emotions, Communication
Value: Friendship, Relationship, Contentment
Attitude: Sensitivity, Self- Control
THE LION AND THE MOUSE ‘Size has nothing to do with being of help’
Film Synopsis
One day a Mouse is looking for cheese when a Lion pounces on him.
The Mouse escapes from the Lion by giving him a number of reasons why he should not eat him. The Lion decides to let the Mouse go because he thinks he is very funny. The Mouse says he will repay the favour to the Lion if he ever needs help. The Lion doubts this, since he thinks the Mouse is so tiny! However one day, the Lion gets caught in a trap. The Mouse helps the Lion by gnawing at the rope and tearing the trap. The Lion is very gratefuland they become close friends.
Learning from the movie :
Life Skills: Decision Making, problem Solving, Creative Thinking
Values: Respect, Uniqueness, Help
Attitude: Non-Judgemental, Openness
THE ANTS AND THE CHRYSALIS ‘Don’t judge on appearances’
Film Synopsis
Two Ants are looking for food in the jungle. They see something in a tree that they have never seen before – a Chrysalis.
They continue on their way, collecting food. A few days later, they are still curious about it; they wonder what the ugly thing is. They go up the tree and one Ant notices the Chrysalis move and thinks it is alive. All that time, a storm sets in and even though the Ants do not know what the Chrysalis is, they decide to build a shelter for it from the rain. After the storm passed, the Chrysalis begins to wiggle and something comes out. The Ants see the beautiful butterfly flying out. The Butterfly realizes there was storm and that the two Ants had saved her. The Butterfly invites the Ants to climb on her wings and fly with her.
Learning from the movie:
Life Skills: Decision Making, Interpersonal Skills,Self Awareness
Values: Love, Care
Attitude: Non-judgmental, Acceptance
THE FOUR OXEN AND THE LION ‘We are strong if we stick together’
Film Synopsis
The lion wants to catch ad eat the four oxen friends; Slim, Speedy,
Shy and Tiny. However the four oxen plan to stay and work together and the Lion cannot catch them. One day, Slim while playing with the Ox Pecker gets separated from his friends and reaches the water hole. The Lion sees this and gets ready to catch him. Luckily, Speedy realizing Slim is missing comes in search for him. Together with the Ox Pecker’s help they escape. The two oxen run to their friends and the Lon is outwitted again!
Learning from the movie:
Life Skills: Interpersonal Skills, Critical Solving, Coping with Stress Thinking, Problem
Values: Friendship, Cooperation, Support
Attitude: Teamwork, Unity, Alertness
SCHOOL CINEMA FOR GRADE II: The Module for Grade 2 also revolves around the series ‘SHAPES’. The animated characters in the stories learn different morals and important life lessons. They teach children basic human values.
THE CICADA AND THE GREAT HORNBILL ‘Even if we are different from each other, we can still be great friends’
Film Synopsis
Cicada who loves to sing and a Hornbill who loves to sleep. When the Cicada sings, the Hornbill gets disturbed which starts a fight between two. One day, when they are fighting, the Cicada falls in the river and the Hornbill saves him. The Cicada is very grateful to the Hornbill. A little later the Cicada and the Hornbill were sleeping on the tree. A Python sneaks up the tree and wants to eat Hornbill. The Cicada opens his eyes moments before this happens and awakens the Hornbill with his singing, thus saving him. The twobecome good friends and the Cicada tries teaching the Hornbill how to sing.
Learning from the movie :
Life Skills: Interpersonal Skills, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving
Values: Kindness, Altruism, Respect
Attitude: Acceptance
THE FLYING TORTOISE ‘Be happy with who you are’
Film Synopsis
A tortoise living in a desert wishes he can fly. He makes several attempts but fails. An Eagle sees him and fulfils his dreams to fly by carrying him in his claws. As they fly, the Eagle loses his grip of the Tortoise and the Tortoise fails. He lands in his hard shell and is saved. He realizes that although he is unable to fly, he should be happy to have a hardshell, a tail and feet.
Learning from the movie:
Life Skill: Self-Awareness, Decision Making, Coping with Stress
Values: Self-Respect, Self-Confidence, Contentment
Attitude: Self-Acceptance
THE FOUR FRIENDS 1. ‘If you work together, you can overcome all your problems’ 2.
Film Synopsis
Elephant, Peacock, Monkey and Rabbit are four friends. They find a berry tree seed and plant it. The seed grows into a seedling and then into a tall tree and starts bearing berries. The four friends eat all the berries on the lower branches and are trying to find a way to reach the berries on the higher branches. Each of them tries individually but is unable to reach the berries. Finally, they make a tower, standing one on top of another and are able to get the berries and eat them.
Learning from the movie:
Life Skills: Interpersonal Skills, Problem Solving
Values: Unity, Altruism, Friendship, Creativity
Attitude: Teamwork
THE KANGAROO AND THE WOMBAT ‘One good turn deserves another’
Film Synopsis
In a desert, a Little Kangaroo makes friends with an old Wombat. The Wombat is very thirsty but is unable to bend and reach the water in a lake. The little Kangaroo helps the old Wombat by offering him some water in a leaf. The Wombat is grateful and they become good friends. One day, due to a drought the kangaroos have to move to another lake. The little Kangaroo gets very tired hopping and wants his mother to carry him; however his mother cannot do so. The Wombat suddenly appears and using his magical powers, he creates a pouch on the mama Kangaroo’s stomach which she can use to carry her tired little Kangaroo.
Learning from the movie :
Life skills: Interpersonal Skills, Empathy
Values: Love, Respect, Altruism, Friendship
Attitude: Sensitivity
THE TEAL DEER ‘Looking different doesn’t make you special. It’s who you are on the inside and how you treat others that matter’
Film Synopsis
There lives a Teal Deer among a herd of Tan Deer. The Tan Deer enjoy playing ‘Hide and Seek’, and especially likes hiding in the mud. The Teal Deer refuses to play as he does not want to dirty his beautiful coat. The Teal Deer thinks he is extraordinary because of his colour and is rude to others. His friends try telling him what matters is not how one looks on the outside but is on inside the way in which one treats other. One day, a pack of wolves come to attack the herd. The Wolves easily spotted the Teal Deer because of his bright blue coat. The Tan Deer tells the Teal Deer to hide by rolling in the mud and laying still. Swallowing his pride, he does so and is saved. He realizes that hiding in the mud is fun and from then on plays ‘Hide and seek’ with the Tan Deer.
Learning from the movie:
Life Skills: Empathy, Self-Awareness, Interpersonal Skills
Values: Respect, Humility, Kindness, Altruism
Attitude: Acceptance
SCHOOL CINEMA FOR GRADE III : The Module for Grade 3 is based on the series called ‘The Bernstein Bears’, which is a warm and delightful value-based series featuring the lovable Bear family who live in a beautiful tree house.
COUNT THEIR BLESSINGS ‘Gratefulness for what you have’
Film Synopsis
It is a pleasant evening and the cubs are playing. Sister is at Lizzy’s, playing with her numerous bearbies and Brother is playi9ng video games at his cousin’s. While Mama is mopping the floor she thinks about how Sister and Brother will come back with complaints about how they do not have the things their friends have. When the cubs come home, they have an endless list of complaints. Mama and Papa tell them to think about what they have that their friends do not have. They sit down together as a family and Mama and Papa teach the cubs to count their blessings such as a house to live in, food to eat and a loving family. As Brother and Sister count their blessings, they realize they actually have a lot of good things that they can be thankful for.
Learning from the movie:
Life Skills: Self-Awareness, Decision Making, Coping with Emotions
Values: Containment, Love, Family, Abundance
Attitude: Self-Acceptance, Gratitude
GET THE GIMMIES ‘Not being greedy’
Film Synopsis
The Bear goes to a supermarket to buy groceries. The cubs can only think of all toys and candies in the store. Mama strictly instructs the cubs that they are there to buy only groceries but they couldn’t resist asking for different candies and toys. They try hard to convince their parents but walk empty handed out of the store. As they walk out, the cubs spot a man selling toys cats on the street and they create such a big scene in front of strangers that Papa reluctantly gave in. Papa states that Brother and Sister have the worst case of the gimmies. Papa Bear and Mama Bear decide to discipline the cubs so they explain to them how it is not right to always think about one’s own needs. The cubs excitedly ask for presents. Papa is upset with the cubs’ behaviour. Seeing this, Gramps tells a story of a time when Papa had the gimmies. The cubs realize their mistake and finally decide to get rid of their gimmies.
Learning from the movie:
Life Skills: Self-Awareness, Decision Making
Values: Containment, Logic and Reason
Attitude: Self Control, Obedience
MAMA’S NEW JOB ‘Sensitivity towards others’
Film Synopsis
Change is always difficult to deal with especially for children. The cubs also go through a big change. Mama Bear decides to start her own quilt business but Papa Bear, Brother Bear and Sister Bear begin to worry about different things. Who will count while Sister tries to jump rope to 1000 or help Brother fly the plane? Who will take care of the tree house or the garden? Mama Bear explains to the family that with a little support and help from everyone, any change can be dealt with and all she needs is the family’s support. Papa bear and the cubs agree. While Mama Bear sets up her quilt shop and is busy making quilts, Papa Bear and the cubs help at home. The cubs soon realize that it is not bad after all. With a little help and support. The Bernstein Bears continue to be a happy family and they celebrate Mama’s success by going out for supper to Bear Town Burger!
Learning from the movie:
Life Skills: Decision making, Empathy, Interpersonal Skills
Values: Support, Change, Respect
Attitudes: Consideration, Openness, Sensitivity
TOO MUCH TV ‘Getting rid of bad habits’
Film Synopsis
Mama bear suddenly realizes that Brother and Sister are addicted to watching television and she puts a ban on watching TV for one whole weak. Initially, the cubs and Papa are worried about boredom but throughout the weak, they learn that there are other ways to enjoy themselves. They begin to take interest in other hobbies. They also do a lot of outdoor activities, including watching the stars at night. Papa learns that he rather get involved in reading the newspaper instead of constantly watching TV though he does try to sneak in some shows on occasion. At the end of the week, when the ban is lifted, both Sister and Brother realize that they would rather engage in their new foundhobbies than watch TV. Even Papa, who was very happy about watching TV again, decides to go finishing instead.
Learning from the movie:
Life Skills: Self-Awareness, Decision Making, Creative Thinking
Values: Innovation, Logic and Reason, Exploration
Attitude: Discipline
VISIT THE DENTIST ‘Not being scared of things’
Film Synopsis
Sister Bear gets her first loose teeth. She tells Brother when she notices this and Brother tells her that the dentist will yank it out with his yankers. Sister gets scared and tries extremely hard to remove her tooth but by the end of the day it still remains intact. Meanwhile Brother develops a cavity and has to
go to the dentist for a check up and so Sister goes along with him and Mama. When she is watching Brother getting his cavity filled she informs dentist of her loose tooth and he invites her up to the chair to look at it. Sister is scared that he will use his hankers to pull it out but he uses a piece of gauze and without her being aware of it pulls her tooth out. He gives the tooth to Sister to take home and after visiting the dentist the cubs realize that there is nothing to be scared of and all they need is a small act of courage.
Learning from the movie:
Life Skills: Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Coping with Stress, Self-Awareness
Values: Change, Support
Attitudes: Optimism, Courage, Confidence