1. All the learners must be in their seats before the educator enters the class. They must cooperate with the Group Leaders when the educator is not in the class.
  2. Children should always be clean and neatly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn on all school days and for all school functions. Those who do not wear proper school uniforms will be sent home and/ or fined.
  3. All learners are expected to attend school on all working days. In the case of absenteeism, a written leave application duly signed by the parent must be submitted.
  4. Learners are not allowed to receive visitors or phone calls during school hours except in case of an emergency. No 'Short Leave' from school shall be granted without an authorization letter from the parents and that too scarcely.
  5. No learner can leave the school premises during school hours except with the written permission of the Principal or Vice-Principal or Headmistress.
  6. Any verbal requests to allow any learner to go home will not be complied with, a written application is mandatory in all cases.
  7. Learners must take responsibility for their own belongings. The name, class, and section of the learner should be clearly marked on all their belongings.
  8. Do take good care of your belongings so that they do not get lost. Learners are not allowed to wear any ornaments or expensive watches. Lending or borrowing of money amongst the learners is strictly prohibited.
  9. Learners are not allowed to bring to school mobile phones, i-pods, transistors, tape-recorders, C.D.s, calculators, cameras, video games, and other electronic gadgets, books, magazines, comics, or any other literature which may be considered objectionable. Such material will be confiscated.
  10. Bringing crackers, explosives and other dangerous material to the school is an offense and will lead to suspension or rustication.
  11. Learners are not allowed to bring any vehicle to the school.
  12. Every learner must participate actively in singing/ dancing, physical education and cultural activity classes, games, and other school activities. All the school activities are an integral & compulsory part of the school curriculum for the all-round personality development of children.
  13. All learners are responsible for their behavior in and around the school premises.
  14. Learners should take care of the school property. They should not write or scratch on the desk, chairs, walls, or doors of the school; nor should they damage property belonging to others. Any damage done to the school property must be reported immediately and remedied by the offender. The decision of the Principal in the matter will be final and binding.
  15. Shouting or whistling is not allowed in the school premises. When changing classes, the learners must walk in silence.
  16. Bullying, using foul language, or using any form of violence against a fellow learner will lead to suspension or rustication.
  17. Report on violence in any form in and around the school may result in the rustication of the learners involved.
  18. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, frequent late arrivals, willful disobedience, or conduct injurious to the tone and discipline of the school will be seriously dealt with.
  19. Harmful conduct, contempt of authorities, or/ and engaging in any objectionable activity in and around the school premises, rude, rowdy, or disorderly behaviour either during or beyond school hours, or willful damage to school property will lead to suspension or rustication. 
  20. The school premises/corridor and especially classrooms must be kept neat and clean. The class cupboard must be properly maintained.
  21. When the school is in session, the learners are strictly forbidden to leave the class without the educator's permission or the class out-passes. They should not be found roaming in groups during class hours.
  22. During recess and before the assembly no learner should create any kind of indiscipline in the classroom or corridor.
  23. Learners are warned not to buy eatables from street vendors outside the school.
  24. Everyone must remember that English is our Campus language. All the learners must speak in English within the class and in school premises. English conversation as far as possible should be maintained at home as well.
  25. Learners should go home straight after school instead of visiting friends or attending parties. Requests for any deviation from normal routine are not entertained.
  26. A learner who uses unfair means during a test will not be given any marks in that test. Repetition of the same or any learner who is found tampering with marks in the Report Card and other School Certificates will be dealt with strict action.
  27. Learners must attend all the open days with their parents, in proper school uniform.
  28. Privative tuition is discouraged. More emphasis should be given to the self-study routine.
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"Life lets everyone live lots of stories each in it’s own time. ~ Gail E. Haley "