The Senior School Years Programme (SYP)
JMIS-SHIKHAR (SYP) is an exciting phase where students enter as pre-adolescents full of possibilities and potential and prepare to leave as mature, balanced, and thoughtful young adults. This transformation is the result of our learning environment which is both challenging and supportive, our process of teaching and learning, and the emphasis given to inculcating values and imparting life skills to all our children. Our teaching methodology recognizes that each student is different and unique and has the ability to shine in their special area under careful nurturing and guidance. Teaching is experiential and students are encouraged to engage and actively construct their own learning. Teachers are encouraging and take on the role of facilitators. We aim to make our students independent learners who take responsibility for and enjoy the process of learning and who will remain lifelong learners, capable of making their own decisions and being accountable for their actions. At the same time, we recognize that children learn best from each other, and collaborative learning and group work are central to the classroom and outside the classroom experience. Along with a strong academic program, we offer a range of opportunities in music, dance, theatre, pottery, fine art, ICT, and sports for our students to excel. JMIS-SHIKHAR (SYP) empowers our students to respond to real-life situations in a positive and responsible way. We aim for all students to be articulate, confident, socially responsible, and ethical young people ready for the challenges that would lie ahead as they step out of school.
Some special features of JMIS-SHIKHAR (SYP) are:
  • Life Skills & value Education programme (School-cinema)
  • Leadership training programme
  • Adolescent Education Programme
  • Study skills & Inspirational modules
  • Olympiads, NTSE & MUN
  • Aptitude building for GK, Current Affairs, Logical Reasoning, Numerical Ability
  • Group Discussions, presentations, symposiums & interview skills programme
  • Social awareness & Community Outreach Programme to help them recognize their responsibility to society.
  • Career-counseling, referrals & workshops to provide provided career guidance to help them recognize their areas of interest and help them make an informed decision.
  • Guest-speak ( Meeting and interviewing multidimensional personalities from various fields)
  • JMIS-MENTOR programme (academic concepts, study-skills & exam skills) by renowned subject experts
  • Debating Forum - 'BEHES'
  • Newspaper-in-Education
  • Industry Visits
  • ASL, OBT, Aptitude test, General Studies, Physical and Health Education & SUPW activity clubs (including scouting/Guiding) Programs in consonance with CBSE.
Grades IX & X
The secondary classes (IX & X) follow the CBSE prescribed study material, syllabus & curriculum for their Study and Assessment following the broad guidelines set by the CBSE/NCERT. The subjects are English, Hindi, Mathematics, Integrated Science (Physics, Chemistry & Biology). Social Studies (History, Geography, Political Science & Economics), Introduction to Information Technology, Art Education, Work Education (SUPW) & Physical and Health Education.
SCHEME OF ASSESSMENT - Cummulative Evaluation
(as per the new examination bye-laws of CBSE, Delhi)
With the restoration of Class X Board Examination with effect from the Academic Year 2017-18 the following assessment structure would be effective from the Academic Year 2017-18 for Classes IX & X.

1. Scholastic Area:
(a) Periodic Test (10 marks):
The school will conduct three periodic written tests in the entire academic year and the average of the best two will be taken. Three tests would be held as one being the mid-term test and the other the two being pre mid and post mid-term with a portion of the syllabus cumulatively covered. The gradually increasing portion of contents would prepare students to acquire confidence for appearing in the Board examination with a 100% syllabus. The school will take the average of the best two tests for final marks.

(b) Notebook Submission (5 marks):
Notebook submission as a part of internal assessment aims at enhancing the seriousness of students towards preparing notes for the topics being taught in the classroom as well as assignments. This also addresses the critical aspect of regularity, punctuality, neatness, and notebook upkeep.
(c) Subject Enrichment Activities (5 marks):
These are subject-specific application activities aimed at enrichment of understanding and skill development. These activities would be recorded by respective subject teachers.
For Languages: Activities for subject enrichment in languages aiming at equipping the learner to develop effective speaking and listening skills.
For Mathematics: The Maths laboratory activities and projects.
For Science: The practical works/activities/projects would be carried out.
For Social Science: Map and project work may be undertaken
2. Co-Scholastic Activities:
The school promotes co-curricular activities for the holistic development of the students. These activities will be graded on a 5-point grading scale (A to E).

Activity Graded on a 5-point scale (A-E) in school Areas and Objectives
Work Education or Pre-Vocational Education By the concerned Teacher Work education is a distinct curricular area for students to participate in social, economic, and welfare activities. Students get a sense of community service and develop self-reliance.
Art Education By the concerned teacher Art Education constitutes an important area of curricular activity for the development of the wholesome personality of the students. Students will select one or more forms of creative arts.
Health & Physical Education (Sports/ Martial Arts/ Yoga/ etc. By the PE Teacher Health & Physical Activity (preferably sports) is given a regular period. Students are provided opportunities to get professionally trained in the area of their interest. Indigenous sports, yoga, and meditation are encouraged in the school to create a sense of physical fitness, self-discipline, sportsmanship, team spirit, integrity, and health care.

3. Discipline (Attendance, Sincerity, Behaviour, Values):
Discipline significantly impacts career shaping and it helps build character, Sincerity, good behaviour and values develop strength, and foster unity and co-operation. Therefore, the element of discipline has been introduced. The class teacher will be responsible for grading the students on a Five-point scale (A to E).
Grades XI & XII
Curriculum Areas at Senior Secondary Level
There are three streams of academic studies functional at JMIS i.e. SCIENCE, COMMERCE & HUMANITIES STREAM. For the purpose of fostering core competencies in learners, the curriculum encompasses six major learning areas, which are: Languages, Mathematics, Sciences and Technology, Commerce, Health, and Physical Education.
Major Contents of Each Curriculum Learning Area in Senior Secondary Classes:
  1. Languages include English core and Hindi Elective and focuses on listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, along with developing effective communication proficiencies.
  2. Mathematics includes acquiring the concepts related to number sense, operation sense, computation, measurement, geometry, probability, and statistics, the skill to calculate and organize, and the ability to apply this knowledge and acquired skills in their daily life. It also includes an understanding of the principles of reasoning and problem-solving.
  3. Science and Technology (Subjects related to Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering Graphics C++ & Information Practices) include gaining knowledge about matter and energy, nature, the environment, technology, breakthroughs in science. It will focus on knowledge and skills to develop the scientific attitude, use and application of such knowledge and skills to improve the quality of life and further use this learning to analyze, evaluate, synthesize, create, invent and discover.
  4. Commerce (Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics & Entrepreneurship) includes gaining an understanding of core business disciplines like the exchange of items of value or products between persons or companies, and any such exchange of money for a product, service, or information is considered a deal of commerce.
  5. Humanities (English core, Hindi Elective, Psychology, Economics, Multi-Media, and Web Technology, Vocal Music, Painting) is the study of human thought, culture & experience, employing both scientific methods and humanistic based approaches for their Research.
  6. Health and Physical Education focuses on learning for holistic development like mental and physical. Understanding the importance of physical fitness, health, well-being, and the factors that contribute to them. The focus of this curriculum is on helping learners develop a positive attitude and commitment to lifelong healthy active living and the capacity to live satisfying, productive lives with the help of proper health management, sports, fitness, and lifestyle choices.


Core five subjects (compulsory)
1. English core (compulsory)
2.  Physics (compulsory)
3.  Chemistry (compulsory)
4. &  5. Any two out of Mathematics, Biology, C++ & P.E.
Complimentary study subjects/components/areas (to be graded) (compulsory)
6.  General Studies
7.  Work Experience
8.  Physical and Health Education
Core five subjects (compulsory)
1. English core (compulsory)
2.  Accountancy (compulsory)
3.  Economics (compulsory)
4 & 5. Any two out of Mathematics, Business Studies, Informatics Practice & P.E.
Complimentary study subjects/components/areas (to be graded) (compulsory)
6. General Studies
7.  Work Experience
8.  Physical and Health Education
Core five subjects (compulsory)
1. English core (compulsory)
2.  Business Studies (compulsory)
3.  Multimedia & Web Technology (compulsory)
4.  Anyone out of (Economics, Hindi Elective & Painting)
5.  Anyone out of (Psychology, Entrepreneurship & Music Hindustani Vocal)
Complimentary study subjects/components/areas (to be graded) (compulsory)
6.  General Studies
7.  Work Experience
8.  Physical and Health Education

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"The closed mind, if closed long enough, can be opened by nothing short of dynamite. ~ Gerald W. Johnson "