J M International School is also a proud member of the Confederation of UNESCO Clubs & Associations of India, A unit of UNESCO, Paris (France). UNESCO is an acronym for the United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation with its constitution adopted on November 16, 1945. The purpose of UNSECO is to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, and culture. The objective of CUCAI is to promote international understandings, Peace, and Cooperation through Education, Science, Culture, and Communication. These clubs undertake several activities like: -

  • Celebrations of International Days, Weeks, Years, or Decades
  • Excursion and study tours
  • Exchange between clubs
  • Visiting & organizing heritage walks to UNESCO World Heritage and collecting information UNESCO World Heritage
  • Lectures, Debates, Symposiums, workshops, seminars, youth camps, etc.


Generation Global is part of the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. Tony Blair is the Executive Chairman of the Institute for Generation Global and Former Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is a pioneering global education program for 12-to-17-year olds and active in more than 20 countries around the world, providing them with the skills and experience they need to navigate differences in a peaceful way. By providing global learning and dialogue opportunities, the program helps young people to be resolute in the face of narratives that may feed the development of extremist ideologies.

Devised by an international group of educational experts, advisers, and religious leaders, the program provides opportunities for students to put critical thinking skills into practice through facilitated dialogue. Students learn about one another and explore the roots of openness and diversity in their own cultural and religious traditions. It prepares the next generation for a world of relentless change and diversity by giving students the skills and experience they need to navigate differences in a peaceful way. 


Music Camp International is an innovative program of social transformation through music. MCI is a Romanian based organization. It works in many cities throughout Romania and Ukraine. Its mission is developing and strengthening the global community through the power of music as they believe music integrates all parts of the brain.

Music Camp International believes that music is a universal language and the ability to learn and enjoy music is within each child’s capacity. In the process of discovering and developing the “music within”, the child is given dignity, hope, and self-confidence.

Music Camp is a dynamic week of music rehearsals and classes for children. A day at camp includes choir for all children where they sing everything from classics to national music, international music, contemporary anthems, and spirituals – always in multiple languages. It is not so much about developing musicians as it is developing responsible, compassionate citizens. During the six days of intensive music involvement in choir and instrument instruction, ending with a spectacular concert accompanied by top symphonic orchestras, the children are inspired to set high goals, develop discipline, focus, and the ability to work together to achieve more than anyone could alone.


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"Why you? Because there’s no one better. Why now? Because tomorrow isn’t soon enough. ~ Donna Brazile "