Students Development Through Curriculum





The learning program at JMIS is an engaging and involving storehouse of a plethora of innovative initiatives, which are constantly being enriched and updated with still more as learning and the methods to learn is a never-ending constant journey in itself. We are always driven towards offering better and even better practices for our children as we want only the best for them. May this passion and hunger for excellence last forever within us!

  • Experiential learning methods- our children learn by doing and discover the concepts on their own by experiencing them in real-life situations. Outdoor or ‘real world’ learning, including the first-hand experience of the natural world, is one of the most effective forms of education.  It broadens outlooks, improves motivation, nurtures social skills, encourages healthy lifestyles, and creates a sense of place and nature that can create active and politically engaged citizens.
  • ‘ENRICH’ (Learning beyond Textbooks)- Learning experiences are widely extended by means of several productive workshops under our ‘ENRICH’ program. Learning in the natural environment also provides inspirational experiences, which teachers can use as a springboard for wider curriculum work across core subjects. In itself, and by fostering an interest in outdoor activities, it helps keep children and young people fit and healthy, physically & mentally. In short, Real World Learning helps to provide a foundation for a full life, to which every child and young person should have access.
  • ‘KHOJ’ Expeditions (Learning beyond Classrooms)- Moving out of the classroom to labs for experimentation, to discovery room for project study, for nature walks to observe the science-in-books coming alive, and for regular local excursions and outstation trips for a wider exposure are the regular features of the school curriculum. Students from each grade have the opportunity to undertake educational excursions within the city of Delhi. The places visited are such that the learning from there dovetails with classroom learning.
    • Students of Grade I & II have a special treat in store for them by way of ‘the night out’ at school with their teachers and friends, an occasion which is awaited with huge excitement by them. Students spend a day engaging in interesting activities which are followed by a sleepover in school, post-sessions of sports, dance & music, and a movie to wind up the exciting day.
    • Students of Grades III onwards undertake outstation trips in the month of December each year. Besides the huge learning that students carry back from the great outdoors, they also bond closely with teachers and friends, and the spirit of independence in each one of them receives a big shot in the arm.
  • The Phonetic Reading Writing Programme- is an initiative introduced at the foundation level for students of Grades Ankur, Pallav, and I and at an advanced level for upper primary grades. It is aimed at building proficiency in reading skills, inculcating a love for books, and enhancing students’ creative expression, verbally and in writing. The class is structured in a way where reading time is followed by Theatre activity, Book reading, Circle-time, Story Craft & poetry.
  • READING-WRITING Workshop for Grades II to III- Students are motivated to do peer reading as well as reading in groups. We have found that students enjoy following a series, such as Noddy or Enid Blyton. Sometimes these books are read collaboratively and sometimes individually, but the students enjoy the sense of continuity and are drawn into the storyline, thus tend to become avid readers themselves at a later stage. The closure is provided at the end of the year with each class authoring his/her own book, on a small scale ‘Writers’ Workshop’.
  • WRITER’S WORKSHOP for Grades IV to V - From October to December, the students of grades 4 and 5 participate in the Writers’ Workshop. As a learning/teaching method, it is a life-changing experience for the students and teachers. Writers’ Workshop provides an individualized curriculum that caters to all types of learners. It is extremely fluid and all curriculum objectives can be met through it. Writers’ Workshop is a method of teaching children to write. Instead of giving children worksheets and essay topics to write on, Writers’ Workshop encourages them to write original and personally meaningful pieces, which are then polished and improved upon, by drafting and redrafting.
  • Theatre-in-Education (TIE)- Dramatics and enactment are integrated with language study as well as sciences, social sciences, mathematics, and information technology. Theatre-in-Education (TIE) is a program that comprises role-play/ dramatics performances linked with the concept/subject of study. These are facilitated by the performers/teachers using a variety of techniques. It's usually less concerned with imparting factual knowledge and more concerned with exploring sensitive issues. The major focus of TIE is to perform creative, curriculum-based, and participatory plays in schools specially designed and prepared for children of different age groups. The major thrust of the plays is to create an atmosphere to encourage children, to raise questions, and make decisions and choices with an awareness of themselves within the larger society. 
  • Art-in-Education (AIE)- Integration of creative art and craft skills to understand, analyze, and express the concepts in all the other disciplines like languages, mathematics, science & social science. This concept of AIE uses the visual arts to teach concepts of social studies, science, language, arts, and math curricula. It is also an Ideal cross-disciplinary experience for visual arts teachers who want to integrate the arts into other disciplines or for non-arts teachers who want to venture into the world of art. These activities can be a part of a visual art class or assigned as homework or in-class assignments in other disciplines.
  • Newspaper-in-Education- Daily newspaper reading and discussion ritual to grow up with the understanding of current affairs as well as understanding the concepts in books in the context of real-life-happenings-in-the-world-around-us. The Newspapers in Education (NIE) program supports and encourages the use of newspapers as an integral component in teaching our students in the classroom, in addition to promoting excellence in teaching and lifelong learning. There are several positive benefits of integrating the newspaper into general academics. It does not only assist/support teachers in integrating the newspaper into their regular lessons but reading the newspaper also creates smarter and more involved future members of our community.  Reading the newspaper helps increase self-esteem in children. For a few minutes, they are more than “kids” and they can become whoever they want to be through their travels in the newspaper.
  • Reading Programme (reading for Enrichment) as a part of the Learning Program- Besides a weekly library period and a book for reading issued by the school library every week, there are books from English and Hindi fiction that are read for enrichment at each class level. Reading is the bedrock of a learner’s success. Apart from its proven ability to enhance language skills, it increases knowledge and self-esteem and boosts memory. But reading doesn’t just happen, it has to be nurtured. It is with this in mind that we launched a ‘Reading for Enrichment Programme’ for students of grade III onwards.
    The objective is to ensure that each and every child reads at least two books for enrichment which are identified by the English and Hindi teachers, along with the reading of magazines magic-pot, young angels, and competition success review. Each student receives a copy of the designated book & magazine as a part of the curriculum
  • Digital Audio-Visual Classrooms- Each of our classrooms is a smart classroom with an audio-visual screen, an overhead projector, a magnifying camera, and an interactive whiteboard. The lessons in all the subjects are mapped with the audio-visual modules, you-tube videos, E-references, etc which makes the teaching-learning alive and very interesting. The resource planning and uploading are done from a central server that is connected to our knowledge resource center where research and referral work is regularly done by the educators and the knowledge resource center in charge.
  • DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) Daily Reading Program- This is a daily time slot in the time-table when at the end of the day everyone winds up the almanac writing, packs the bags, and then for sometime before calls it a day, everyone in each class reads a story-book or the newspaper. We encourage all in the school to “Drop Everything and Read” every day throughout the year. The goal of the program is to prompt children and the entire school community to make reading a regular part of their routine . . . whether they’re reading solo or together with their classmates, parents, or friends. So, all of you are going through this page, do pledge to “drop” what you’re doing in order to read a good book. 
  • Public Speaking Program for Language Development- Right from grade Ankur, we conduct this intensive curricular program of public speaking activities to develop Speech, Voice, and Drama in children aged 3 to 6 years, using language: poetry, prose, and stories. Our skilled educators are aware and sensitive towards the needs of children and they know what to expect from children as they grow, how to create a warm and secure learning environment, and how to help children reach their full potential.  With this PS program, they not only develop language and communication skills in children but also make them understand the physical world. The PS Programme acknowledges the young learners as social beings, develops creativity in children, and offers opportunities to all the children to become confident public speakers and grow up with positive self-esteem.
  • KATHA – Learning through Stories- Stories are loved by all and therefore we use them as a powerful tool to make teaching and learning enjoyable through storytelling and enactment as a method of teaching different academic subjects and also life skills & value-education.
  • School-Cinema for Value Education – Specially produced films for the children of all classes along with a child-friendly workbook to learn, understand, and reflect upon values in an innovative manner.
  • Circle-time– a free informal interaction time for class groups where the children and their educators share their opinions, observations, thoughts, and perceptions about a variety of themes without any inhibition. This not only makes the group ‘thinking’, vocal and expressive but also brings the children and educators in the group much closer to each other at the cognitive level.  Every student in the classroom needs a platform to voice his/her thoughts & ideas about issues pertaining to the classroom – whether about social interactions or about learning; circle time provides that platform. Besides helping the students bond with their teacher and with each other; it is also a great platform for resolving issues/conflicts within the classroom. The teacher and students sit in a circle, the rules of ‘Circle Time’ are reinforced, and games, singing of songs, and discussions take place. The skills promoted are observing, speaking, listening, thinking, and concentrating. Students derive a feeling of security and satisfaction from their viewpoint of being heard and valued; even the shiest student is found to be happily joining in the proceedings.
  • Open-House- It is an open discussion forum when the Principal ma'am and sometimes other educators discuss significant concerns and issues with children, which are around the children’s own life, school experiences, peer issues, social issues, community concerns, or important affairs of our city, country or the world. Children love these interactive sessions and we love to see the amazing width of their knowledge and in-depth understanding and also their never-ending creative question which keeps coming through their enthusiastic and thoughtful contributions.
  • Panchayat@JMIS- Class-Panchayat and at times common panchayat is a win-win approach to collaboratively, democratically, and logically find out more about the issues, conflicts, and concerns of children and look together for creative solutions so that everyone can get what they want. Effective conflict resolution requires children to apply a combination of well-developed social and emotional skills. These include skills for managing feelings, understanding others, communicating effectively, and making decisions. Children need guidance and ‘coaching’ to learn these skills. Learning to use all the skills effectively in combination takes practice and maturity. However, with guidance, children can begin to use a win-win model and gradually develop their abilities to resolve conflict independently. 
  • ‘Slate’ is a learning aid for a non-threatening response mechanism in class which gives an equal opportunity to each child in the class to participate and respond in the classroom discussions, all of them at a time.
  • ‘Free-hand-drawing-skills program’ for little ones for the development of fine-motor skills, thinking, imagination, and creativity.
  • Collaborative Projects for exploration and research as a group tries to investigate, explore, brainstorm, and then collaboratively reach a proposed theory to construct a possible solution to a problem-solving project.
  • Library as a Learning Resource Centre– Love for books & sound reading habits are the backbone for building the aptitude for Life-long learning and that’s what our library or Learning resource center does for our children. The books in our library are hand-picked to create a richly diverse and meaningful collection of books, magazines, journals, and encyclopedias for our students and educators. The conceptual mapping of academic syllabi and project themes is done by educators and learning resources in-charge regularly.
  • ‘Inspire-time’ for inspiration and motivation- comprising of inspiring videos followed by reflection-time. This comprises research and referral work to collect as well as create the most impactful presentations or videos which are generally shown to the children in the morning zero period to give each day an inspiring start.
  • ‘Dus-Kadam’- morning warming up ritual in each class which is an interactive and informative session where every day 10 students from the class take turns to share valuable information on 10 different themes as Joke of the day, Thought with its meaning, Riddle, A new word with its meaning and sentence, National personality of the day, the International personality of the day, Author of the day, Book of the day, the biggest news of the day & What’s special today in Delhi Diary-News/Events, etc.
  • Class Symposium– Our children participate in collaborative learning methods like symposiums where different students present and explain different sub-topics from the theme of study. They are asked queries and doubts by their counterparts and they try to convince them with logical reasoning.
  • ‘My Dictionary’ Programme– Vocabulary enrichment is integral to effective communication, public speaking, and creative writing skills. Our children add at least 10 new words to their personal dictionary which comprises the most usable words with alphabet A-Z, words in context, phrases, idioms, proverbs, quotes as well as the literary work of prominent authors of English literature for fiction and non-fiction from classic to contemporary.
  • ‘Inspiring Personality’ Programme– Role models have always been a source of inspiration to each one of us. Therefore it is of great value for children to know/learn about people from different walks of life with an impressive body of work and credentials like entrepreneurs, thinkers, philosophers, leaders, social workers, artists, educationists, social entrepreneurs, management gurus, corporate Gurus, sports-persons, Fashion-experts, film-stars, film-directors, writers, journalists, beauty experts, politicians, etc at national and international level.
  • International Study Projects - With our motto of ‘Indian culture, global outlook, we believe in giving our children Indian roots with global wings. In today’s global culture, the geographical boundaries have become narrow and almost every theme of study and contemplation comes with a global perspective whether political, social, developmental, or environmental. Our students involve themselves in extensive international study projects wherein different continents are studied by different classes.
  • ITIHAAS Walk Programme for the experiential study of history - ITIHAAS re-introduces children to their heritage, which is tangible and intangible, by walking them through their past. ITIHAAS is about telling stories. Real stories, that take children to a land that is not far away, but right next door, sometimes buried in our backyard and on some occasions, ensconced in our living memories.
  • ‘Child For Child’ Programme (CFC) - In this peer remedial teaching initiative under the JMIS-Seva program children from senior classes help through remedial teaching,  some of their friends from junior classes to strengthen their academic  skills like reading, writing, comprehension, and language concepts, number concepts, etc
  • ‘Dayitv’ Programme - This is another thoughtful segment of JMIS-Seva, which is an in-school work and responsibility initiative for students as they get an opportunity to participate in the school processes in the areas of school curriculum and administration. These duties are taken up by children in a fixed weekly slot.
  • ‘SAHYOG’ Programme - The community outreach social initiative by our school students to reach out to underprivileged children, share their sweet-sour experiences of life, and support them in their own thoughtful ways, sometimes by interacting with their friends at some orphanage or sometimes by presenting a skit to entertain the Dadis and Dadus at old age home.
  • ‘Sakshar’ Programme – Social initiative by our school students towards adult literacy, which was initiated by our young volunteers by supporting and teaching their domestic-help-aunties at home and their children. Now they also teach the support staff (Didis & Bhaiyas) working in our own school.
  • Discovery Hour – A slot set aside for children to discover the concepts, theories, and all that is happening around them through a variety of activities like experimentation, an expedition to collect data, nature-study, the exploration & discovery towards learning pertinent to academic concepts, fine-motor skills, everyday science, books & book characters et al. Hands-on learning is the highlight, with each student gainfully engaged in the process of discovering & unraveling the ‘mystery’ behind diverse concepts through activities such as art & craft, outdoor exploration/nature walks, experiments, indoor/outdoor games, and much more.
  • PEC Outdoor Activities – these are scientifically designed interactive outdoor physical activities that integrate the acquisition of physical skills with other disciplines like language, mathematics, science, social science, and value education. There are specially designed Physical Education Cards (PEC) to conduct different activities for different classes.
  • Skill Building through indoor and outdoor games which are not only interesting and engaging but also addresses all kinds of skill development in children, physical, neuro-motor, cognitive, social, and emotional.
  • Fitness through Rhythmic Aerobics - Nearly every day, we hear more stories in the news about the desperate need for kids’ fitness and physical activities. More of our children are spending time working with computers or video games instead of learning to run, jump, and use their bodies. Rhythmic Aerobics for Kids is an exciting, natural choice when it comes to teaching fitness to kids.  Children naturally have loads of energy, and this form of movement helps them channel their instinct to move in a productive, invigorating way. Every day children learn and practice new moves. Aerobics for kids is an exciting, innovative way to encourage them to be more active. Millions of children lead sedentary lifestyles,  so it's vital to do what we can to get them moving & children love their morning aerobics sessions.
  • Yoga-n-Meditation Programme - The school phase is in fact the ideal time for children to begin yoga and meditation practice & teaching yoga to children is challenging, exciting, and rewarding. Keeping that in view, our yoga trainers have specifically developed the yoga4kids program to teach yoga and meditation to children of all ages. It combines dynamic movements, postures, breathing exercises, and meditations into an integrated and holistic program of physical fitness, education, and social and self-awareness. Yoga and meditation develop body awareness, concentration, internal strength, good listening skills, cooperation, self-discipline, self-confidence, and powers of observation.  It teaches preschool children about nature, and their environment, and inspires their imaginations. It prepares them for breathing techniques used in yoga. 
  • Conceptual Worksheets to give children the opportunity to think, analyze and apply their knowledge for problem-solving in the specially formulated high-order thinking skills questions (HOTS Questions)
  • CCE skill sheets incline children towards connecting the concepts under study with the real life around them and understanding them in the context of the situations and challenges of the present time.
  • Guest-Speak – We believe that children cannot be educated in isolation. For a wholesome learning experience, interaction with the community plays a significant role. Our children gain such enriching exposure as a regular phenomenon as they meet and interact with various resource persons, artists, professionals, writers, thinkers, and people from different walks of life.
  • JMIS-Mentor – It is a program for a middle and senior school where renowned educationists and subject experts from all disciplines regularly come and take extremely productive learning sessions with students. Along with enhancing the academic/cognitive, study skills, and examination skills of children they also conduct training programs for teachers under the staff empowerment program.
  • Life-skill Program - If there is something integral to the growth of a child into a well-balanced individual, it is the acquisition of life skills, intrapersonal, interpersonal, social, and emotional. Workshops just do that through interactive and thoughtful sessions with children on leadership skills, time management, peer pressure, assertiveness, anger management, sociability, etc which steer them towards a successful and happy life and an impressive personality.
  • Activity Clubs – extend the horizon of learning to socially useful and productive activities under various clubs such as a creative club, readers club, road safety club, Katha club, Face to faith club, photography, meal-planning, Handicrafts, Pottery, Quiz, Debating, Environment, Compassionate citizen and Heritage clubs.
  • Power-Point Presentations – are a regular feature in the teaching-learning process. Students right from primary years try their hands-on making and presenting their power-point presentations in different subjects and learn by participating.
  • Assembly Presentations – The morning Assemblies at JMIS are a storehouse of expression, creativity, knowledge, brainstorming, and talent show. Different classes take turns to conduct the assembly which is an amalgamation of prayer, promise, inspiring songs, theatre-in-education, current affairs, aerobics, yoga, group discussions, open-house, and quiz. All the students of the respective class participate and put up an innovative class presentation.
  • GK, Current-Affairs & Aptitude Program – the aptitude for general knowledge, current affairs, numerical ability, logical reasoning, quantitative & qualitative analysis, and language conventions is developed in children right from the beginning, first of all by the sum total of rich innovative and ‘thinking’ learning experiences, regular quiz contests, newspaper-in-education program, daily morning quiz, challenging audiovisual games but also through a dedicated slot for GK & Aptitude in the regular school curriculum.
  • Film-time for conceptual study- Children love to watch films and whatever they experience through this audio-visual medium creates a quick and long-lasting impact on their minds. We very judiciously harness the potentiality of this medium to give our children the best learning experiences and that too with entertainment, when our children watch the clips from ‘The Rising’ while studying about Mangal Pandey, ‘Gandhi’, ‘Bhagat Singh’& ‘Sardar’ to study the struggle for freedom or ‘Hellen Keller’ to learn about her, ‘Mandela’ to learn about the struggle against apartheid in South Africa and the list is never-ending.
  • R & R Module for Grades VI to VIII - The Research & Referral module is an initiative begun with the aim of teaching our grade VI to VIII students to conduct project research at a level required in higher classes. Through books, monitored use of the Internet, and workshops on concepts such as ‘mind-mapping’, and through discussion, they learn to conduct background research, make observations and estimations, organize their thoughts, and then present their projects in ways that are creative, intelligent, and interesting.

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"Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression. ~ Haim Ginott "