The School Logo
Our school logo symbolizes the transformation in education through its specialized, well researched, innovative learning programme. Acknowledging the uniqueness in each child, Welcome to JM International School aims at preparing its children for life, with their roots well grounded in Indian culture and values and their wings of aspiration enlightened with a global outlook, to be the vehicles to build a glorious future for each one of our children
The School Curriculum Logo

The sapling within the Shikshantaram tree symbolizes the potential, uniqueness, and inherent qualities that are within each child, hidden and dormant, waiting to be recognized, to flower to its maturity…and the three birds … the three potential influencing resources in a child’s life – the school, the teachers and the parents, who must integrate and come together to make the Shikshantaram tree i.e. the multidimensional, innovative & child-centered curriculum of J M International School bear fruits, leading to blossoming of our children….ready to ‘compete with self’ and take on the challenges of the real world.