The Primary School Years Programme (PYP)

A spirit of inquiry goes hand in hand with the sound acquisition of language and numeracy skills. Our aim is to offer a broad and balanced curriculum. The subject areas are English, Hindi, Mathematics, Social Science, General Science, Environmental Studies and Computer-Science & the skill-building areas/ curricular programs are General Awareness, Current Affairs, Reading for enrichment, Vocabulary-building, Communication skills, Creative writing, Discovery hour, Newspaper-in-education, School-cinema, Trips & Excursions, Skill-sheets, Conceptual worksheets, Promise workshops, Music, Dance, Drama, Theatre, Katha, Activity Clubs, Art, Technology, Physical Education and Personal, Social & Emotional Development, Health Education, Community service (JMIS-Seva), workshops, excursions, etc. The focus in the primary classes is on learning through experience. Applicable to both, academic as well as co-curricular activities during primary school, learning through experience is achieved through exposure to many activities. Development of the child’s scientific temper, the evolution of a questioning, inquisitive mind, self-expression and communication, self-confidence along spatial and motor skills is honed and transacted through the curriculum.

A lot of emphases is given upon:

  • Experiential learning through innovative teaching methods
  • Learning beyond textbooks and classrooms
  • Connecting education with real life
  • Communication skills in the English language
  • Inculcating strong reading habits
  • Developing creativity and thinking skills
  • Developing creative writing base
  • Talent search and enhancement
  • Overall Personality Development
  • Conceptual clarity and ability to think, analyze and reflect
  • Ability to build self-opinion and share ideas
  • Sound value system, sensitivity, and caring attitude
  • Development of life-skills – leadership, team-spirit, positive attitude, and Social & Emotional Intelligence

The assessment of student work is continuous, comprehensive, and broad in its scope, based on day-to-day activities, discussions, observations, assignments, projects, conceptual worksheets, Monday worksheets, formative learning, behavior, value system, attitude, and two terminal rounds of summative assessments in the Semester – I (April to September) & Semester – II (October to March). Students are encouraged to reflect on their work and assessment and make efforts for continuous improvement. The competition is with self rather than with others and in that spirit, no one loses and everyone wins.

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"Ever’ once in a while some feller with-out a single bad habit gets caught. ~ Kin Hubbard "