- It is compulsory for learners of all classes to complete 80% of their attendance in the academic year to make them eligible to appear for their Final Examination. The percentage, however, could be relaxed only on medical grounds and solely at the discretion of the Principal.
- If a learner remains absent from the school without leave for more than 07 consecutive days, his/her name is liable to be struck off the rolls of the school. Re-admission may be allowed on payment of the fresh admission fee and solely at the discretion of the Principal.
- All are expected to attend classes on the opening day of school after vacations. Absence for more than 05 days after vacations renders the students liable to have his/ her name struck off the school rolls.
- If suffering from any illness, learners must not be sent to school. To start attending school once recovered, a Fitness Certificate from the Doctor who treated the learner needs to be submitted. It is also important to inform the Principal in writing.
- In case of withdrawal of a student, it should be made known to the Principal in writing, one calendar month in advance or else one month's fees will be charged.
- School Leaving Certificate is not issued until all dues of the school are settled/ paid in full.
- School Leaving Certificate will be issued at the end of the academic year i.e. after 31st March.