Director's Message

With quality education at the core of his heart, Mr . Yogesh Gupta, the Director of JM INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS, believes that education is not mere preparation for life but is LIFE ITSELF. The blossoming of JMIS from a tiny seedling to now a tree excellence has been due to his dream to provide an inspiring, congenial, favorable school atmosphere to enable each child – ‘to live, to love, to learn and to imbibe a legacy.......
Message by School Director 

Dear Parents,

Each child is born with the potential to be a winner in life. Education must have the potential to bring out the best in each child; not only the best learner; but also the best assimilator, thinker, practitioner, and thus the best human beings.

"Education at JM International School is a complete process that leads to the attainment of the full potential of the child rather than teaching by the teacher.”

Our endeavor is to give our students life-skills that will hold them in good stead in the real world outside - be it planning, organizing, deciding, questioning, reasoning, analyzing, team-building, communicating effectively, and confidence building to develop learners as global citizens.
JMIS is a milieu of diverse cultures and religions, where students come together for a life-time learning experience

"Our mission at JMIS is to provide positive catalytic impulses to every CHILD to stretch their inherent learning competencies through a self-discovery process"

It’s a pleasure to see our students develop into confident and happy young individuals with an opinion of their own.

Yogesh Gupta
J M International Schools

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"If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people. ~ Virginia Woolf "