CFC is the project initiative taken by children for children i.e. THE PEER EDUCATORS.
We believe that teaching in a way is learning twice and with that thought we pioneered the concept wherein the senior students of classes IX-X reach out to the students from Ankur - VI, and help them in building up their strength in child specific learning skills such as reading, writing, comprehension, arithmetic etc. Under this project, children also visited a school for underprivileged children, run by NGO “SMILE FOUNDATION”. There they not only observed the classrooms and training processes but they also shared their views with their counterparts and participated in several activities with them. The CFC initiative has helped our children empathize with others and once they start realizing the worth of the privileges they are born with, they automatically turn their thoughts towards positivity and develop the right outlook. This eventually helps them develop into not only superior but successful personalities in life. In addition they grow up to become sensitive and caring citizens.

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"I busted a mirror and got seven years bad luck, but my lawyer thinks he can get me five. ~ Stephen Wright "