Principal In News

Principal Maam’s Article got  published on International Women’s day in newspaper.
News Published in Times of India Student edition 

TV INTERVIEW ON DD-1 in the show 'GOOD EVENING INDIA' ( A LIVE TELECAST)  on- '21st Century Education'

News Published in Times of India Student edition Date 8 Oct 2018
News Published in Times of India Student edition Date 10 August 2018

Principal's interview in HT - recipe for academic success Published on June 3, 2018

The ‘HIGHER EDUCATION REVIEW’ MAGAZINE, Bangalore celebrated the inspiring work of Top 25 women Leaders in Indian Education Sector and Principal Ms Anuradha Govind recently got featured in their June-2018 ‘WOMEN LEADERS SPECIAL’ edition.

Article published in Dwarka City
Principal’s work published in a new book titled ‘Innovators: The Achievers’, launched in the 3rd Global Literary fest at Film City, Noida
Ms Anuradha Govind’s recent interview published in magazine ‘Leaders Speak’

Article published in Magazine ‘Education Hub’ & ‘DwarkaParichay’


Article published in Times of India

Article published in a Parenting magazine
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