Date: First
Stage - 21st November 2019 Second Stage – 29th
November 2019
ARYABHATA GANIT CHALLENGE 2019 was conducted for the
students of class VIII-X to promote the
ability to reason logically and apply mathematics in daily life. Students need to
recognize and identify opportunities to use mathematics and then provide
mathematical structure to a problem presented in some contextualized form. It
is important that students apply mathematical concepts, facts, procedures and
reasoning to solve mathematically formulated problems to obtain mathematical
All students of class VIII - X participated in First Stage on 21st Nov
2019 which was pen paper test.
Top three students from VIII to X classes were selected to participate
for Second Stage .
1. Aarnav Agarwal
2. Shivam Singh
Mahar IX –A
3. Lakshmi
Nongmaithem IX –A
3. Aarav
Kumar X –A
A tie breaker test was conducted for third position . After that
Lakshmi Nongmaithem from IX –A got selected for third position .
Then Aarnav Agarwal , Shivam Singh Mahar and Lakshmi Nongmaithem all three from IX –A were registered with CBSE for Second
Stage .
A computer based test was conducted by the board for the top three
students registered from each school on 29th November 2019.